Sunday, May 11, 2014

Music for Mother's Day

Well, I hadn't really intended to write a Mother's Day post, but since music is literally how my day started, I thought....why not?!

Khloe came into my room this morning with Kenzi's laptop (while the other's were busy upstairs putting a lovely Mother's Day breakfast together). And her job was clearly to wake me up the best way she could. Success! The wake up started with Enter Shikari's "Ghandi, mate, Ghandi" :-D  As calm as it sounds with Ghandi in the is NOT. But it's our favorite, so it was perfect! So we snuggled up and listened to Rou scream about blindly consuming to support a failing economy until all of our resources are used up. Ha ha....that's just how we do it! DJ Khloe then moved on to a much calmer French Films song....Latter Days. But then it was time for her to help out with breakfast, so the snuggling ended and she left me with the laptop, and put on the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Greatest Hits. She's 8....and she knows how to do it!

In the car, on the way to the Andy Warhol exhibit, we continued with French Films' White Orchid cd. But once inside the exhibit, there was just a continual soundtrack playing in my head. Warhol's relationships with so many musicians were a highlight of the exhibit for me. From the paintings of Mick Jagger to the album cover art of the Velvet Underground to the photographs of Dylan, Lennon and my favorite....Debbie Harry. I had a constant playlist going on in my head: Walk on the Wild Side, Brown Sugar, Heart of Glass. But I had non-stop Cars songs going on too. The Hello Again video where Andy stood in as a bartender is one of my favorite Warhol memories. 

So now, after an amazing day with my awesome family, I'm writing this and listening to an 8tracks playlist that I got by searching "happy" and "indie rock" cuz what better combo is there for a Mother's Day like this?? Closing out my day with Arctic Monkeys, the Black Keys, the Vaccines, Dandy Warhols, the Kooks, Matt and Kim.....and a glass of Flip Flop. Perfect. 

To all my mom friends out there. I wish you an amazing day, filled with your own perfect soundtrack.

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